POLYCON CX5500 CODEC 2201-64761-001, Video Conference Station , “B”


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Availability: 3 in stock

Item Title: POLYCOM CX5500 CODEC 2201-64761-001 Video Conference Station

Description: This listing is for a preowned POLYCOM CX5500 CODEC 2201-64761-001 Video Conference Station. The item is in working condition and has been tested. It is classified as Grade B cosmetic condition, showing minor signs of wear and cosmetic imperfections. Please refer to the manufacturer for additional specifications or user manuals. The item will be properly packaged for shipment to ensure safe delivery. Please note that this listing includes the unit only, and no other accessories are included. The power cord is included, but connection cords are not.


  • Model: POLYCOM CX5500 CODEC 2201-64761-001
  • Condition: Preowned, Grade B cosmetic condition
  • Included Accessories: Power cord
  • Not Included: Other accessories, connection cords

Packaging and Shipping:

  • The item will be properly packaged for shipment to ensure safe delivery.

Manufacturer Information: Please refer to the manufacturer for additional specifications and user manuals.

U: 42C28

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